![fuel rod](http://www.daviddarling.info/images/fuel_rod.jpg)
~Following, is our actual conversation that is relevant to the topic.~
Dad: To generate heat, to go into electricity.
Sydney: So are they safe to hold or touch?
Dad: Not really, they are radioactive. Uranium (used in the rods) is a inheritly a little unstable, which is why you can use it for fission. Plus, they're big and heavy. Uranium is more dense than even lead.
Sydney: Do they eventually die out? Or do they last forever?
Dad: A used fuel rod is much more radioactive than a new one. They do 'wear out' occasionally. It is called depletion.
Sydney: When they do wear out, do you have to replace them? How does that work?
Dad: They basically take the lid off the reactor vessel (tool used in making electricity) and remove them with a crane one at a time. The crane is attached to the ceiling.
Sydney: Is it possible that one could explode in this process?
Dad: Negative. If dropped and damage, there would be a release of radioactivity though.
Sydney: So they're relatively safe, if they really explode. If someone were to touch it while it was being moved, would it be safe?
Dad: Sort of. The fuel rod could fall and break, releasing a ton of radiation.
Sydney: Could that cause an explosion...?
Dad: Nope, just a lot of gasses to deal with.
Sydney: ((hehe... gasses)) But if some (idiot) lit a match or a lighter, then would it be a big boom?
Dad: No, but the fumes could do serious damage to your lungs, no fire necessary.
Sydney: After being removed, where does the rod go?
Dad: Spent fuels are typically stored in a pool of water on site until they can be permenantly moved to a disposal facility.
Sydney: Are they more or less stable when they go to the disposal place?
Dad: More stable. They are buried in concrete.
~End of Relevant Conversation~
Now we know exactly what a fuel rod is. Now where do we go? Now, we tackle the issue... Are nuclear fuel rods safe to hold? Based on the interview and all other information, I have concluded that the answer is no. Nuclear fuel rods are too big and too heavy to hold in the first place, but even if they were, touching it could expose you to some serious-no-joke radiation, doing damage to your heart and lungs, possibly killing you.
So... are nuclear fuel rods safe to hold?
OH SHIT! that means I cant have my radroach stew anymore! :(